Thank you for attending the first Ruby Conference in Bangkok
Tim Riley @timrileyTim is a partner at Icelab, an Australian design agency, and a committed open source software contributor. He’s a co-founder and core team member of dry-rb, core team member of rom-rb, and part of the team building Hanami 2.
Richard Schneeman @schneemsRichard codes for Heroku & is married to Ruby, literally. He built, the easiest way to get started contributing to Open Source. He also runs a quirky conf in Austin, Texas @keeprubyweird.
Saron Yitbarek @saronyitbarekSaron is the CEO and founder of CodeNewbie, the most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code. She's also a developer, speaker, and podcaster.
Charles Nutter @headiusCharles is one of the JRuby guys. He is a Ruby Hero and Java Champion too! He works every day to make JRuby the best JVM-based Ruby possible while pushing JVM folks and other language authors to keep improving the platform.
Radoslav Stankov @rstankovRadoslav is currently the Head of Engineering at Product Hunt (by AngelList). Lately, juggling between Ruby and JavaScript projects. Organizer of React.NotAConf conference and React.Sofia meetup.
Piotr Murach @piotr_murachPiotr is a Software Engineer with an interest in tooling, automation, and testing. A creator of over 50 Ruby gems including the TTY toolkit for building sleek command line apps. He writes about software, technology and more on
Giovanni Sakti @giosaktiGio comes from Jakarta where he works for Go-Jek as a Systems Engineer. He organizes various meetups, including and His interests include programming languages and developer automation.
Vishal Chandnani Vishal is the Head of Engineering (Astral) at IEX in New York City. Prior to IEX, he worked as a Senior Software Consultant at Def Method. At The Boeing Company, he developed software for the US Government Intelligence Community.
Tae Noppakun Wongsrinoppakun @tae8838Tae is originally from Bangkok, but lives in Tokyo. Currently, he is a Software Engineer at Wovn Technologies building a platform to localize the internet. If he is not in front of his laptop or Nintendo Switch, he is probably on a mountain somewhere.
Kazuma Furuhashi @284kmKazuma is a Programmer and the Creator of a visualization library named Charty. A member of Asakusa.rb and Red Data Tools. Working at Speee Inc.
Gabriel Fortuna @gee_forrGabriel is the Founder of Zero One Bespoke Software Development, a South African Ruby consultancy that specialises in software for the Telecom industry. In his day job, he tells computers what to do. Sometimes they listen.
Rodrigo Urubatan @urubatanRodrigo is a experienced polyglot Software Developer since 1997. He currently works for Brightwire and has the goal to help Ruby developers to use the best tools for each job, so they can solve hard problems, with less bugs and have more free time.
Sergey Dolganov @ss_dolganovSergey is an experienced Software Developer interested in building a strong and sustainable community around OSS and likes to discuss different ways to profile, debug and optimize applications. He also loves dogs and is a drummer and musician.
Jaroslava Košanová @jajina_kJarka is Ruby Backend Engineer working on GitLab, a single application with features for the entire DevOps lifecycle. She really enjoys working for the remote-only company because she has an active lifestyle and takes care of her 1.5 year old daughter.
Harley Davidson Karel @harleydavidkar1Harley is an Application Security Consultant for Vantage Point Security. Certified Ethical Hacker, speaker for several conferences in Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Tokyo and Bangkok with topics related to application security.
Shweta Kale @shwetakale13Shweta is an avid Rubyist and Gopher working with Josh Software from past 5 years. She co-organises RubyConf India, Deccan RubyConf, RailsGirls Pune and GoLang Girls Pune.
Phil Nash @philnashPhil is a Developer Evangelist for Twilio and a Google Developer Expert. 10 years of experience building with JavaScript, Ruby and Swift. Sometimes he makes his own beer, but he is more likely to be found discovering new ones around the world.
Vipul Am @vipulnswardVipul is the Founder of Saeloun Inc, a Ruby on Rails Consultancy. Part of the Rails team. Author of ReactJS by Example. He helps run the Pune Ruby and ReactJS Pune communities. He also organizes Deccan RubyConf in Pune.
Melvrick Goh Melvrick is a Senior Engineer at Ascenda Loyalty and currently leads TransferConnect. He likes coding an Ruby makes it even more joyful. Outside of work, he likes reading, an occasional jog and writing in the 3rd person for conference intros.
Enrique Mogollan @mogoxEnrique has been writing code passionately for more than 12 years. He is a big fan of pair programming and believes that collaborative environments are the key to promote quality code and improve software design.
Anton Davydov @anton_davydovAnton is a Hanami and dry-rb Core Developer and an indie developer from Moscow. He works on different open source projects and builds space-rocket ships at night.
Elle Meredith @aemeredithElle is a Web Developer with over ten years experience writing Ruby and Rails. Currently at Blackmill, previously Development Director at Thoughtbot New York. When not immersed in the Ruby community, she is likely immersed in water, or lately, in bread flour.
Janko Marohnić @jankomarohnicJanko is a Ruby off Rails evangelist and a frequent open source contributor. He firmly believes the future of the Ruby ecosystem lies outside of Rails, and frequently blogs about it. He is the Creator of Shrine, a modern file attachment library for Ruby.
Registration & Conference Door Opens
Welcome Address
Opening KeynoteTim Riley
Beyond REST in RailsVipul Am
Tea Break
Pattern Matching In Ruby 2.7Tae Noppakun Wongsrinoppakun
Charty - Visualize Real-world Data with RubyKazuma Furuhashi
How to collaborate and keep healthy culture in a full-remote companyJarka Košanová
Data Science in Ruby? Is it possible? Is it Fast? Should we use it?Rodrigo Urubatan
Buffet Lunch
Sponsor Lightning Talk - Official Partner
It is correct but is it fast?Piotr Murach
The developer who wanted to refactor the moonEnrique Mogollan
How to get to zero unhandled exceptions in productionRadoslav Stankov
Tea break
Practical Guide to Discourage your Boss from Migrating into KubernetesGiovanni Sakti
How we use service objects to make our apps clean, composable, maintainable, and testable.Gabriel Fortuna
Closing Keynote: Scalable Applications with JRubyCharles Nutter
Closing Remarks/Announcements
Official PartyHosted at Bangkok Heritage, a short walk away
Registration & Conference Door Opens
Welcome Address
Opening keynote: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up ActiveRecord AllocationsRichard Schneeman
Events. Events. Events!Anton Davydov
Tea Break
Debug Hard: Ruby String Library Methods and Underlying C ImplementationsVishal Chandnani
Security Issues on Your Ruby CodeHarley Davidson Karel
Metaprogramming DSLs for managing complexity at scaleMelvrick Goh
Go-ing a long way with RailsShweta Kale
Buffet Lunch
Handling file uploads for a modern developerJanko Marohnić
Start your own engineering apprenticeship programElle Meredith
Smaller is always betterPhil Nash
Dirty Magic for Resilient API DependenciesSergey Dolganov
Tea Break
Closing KeynoteSaron Yitbarek
Closing Remarks/Announcements
The event took place in the heart of Bangkok in the conveniently located Pullman Bangkok King Power near Victory Monument. The venue is accessible both by BTS (Victory Monument) and the Airport Link (Phaya Thai).
First time in Bangkok? Check out our travel guide and A-Z of practicalities.
Our event was supported by amazing sponsors and partners.